Paket Premium "Bikin Studio Band di Rumah" COMPLETE EDITION

Paket Premium "Bikin Studio Band di Rumah" COMPLETE EDITION
Paket Premium "Bikin Studio Band di Rumah" COMPLETE EDITION
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Paket Premium "Bikin Studio Band di Rumah" COMPLETE EDITION

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Making and recording music is a fun and rewarding experience. The only prerequisites to this tutorial are having a computer and and the willingness to learn. You don't even have to know how to read or play an instrument, most hit producers and film composers don't even know music theory.

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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Jerman Hibahkan Rp 20 Miliar untuk Solo Techno Park Germany Give Rp 20 Billion for Solo Techno Park

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SOLO, KOMPAS - An institution in Germany that consists of the private sector and local government, to allocate the four types of equipment and machinery for the development Solo Techno Park. Equipment and machinery that are give worth Rp 20 billion. Head of Industry, Trade, and Investment Solo City Masrinhadi, in Solo, on Tuesday (6 / 2), said Solo designed Techno Park as a center of education technology is ready for use in Indonesia. Indonesia-Institute Germany, representatives of institutions...

Color Code List

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In this post, I provide a wide variety of colors in HTML or computer in the world (the term digital color code), that you know more about the different color code-code can be viewed here ... Aqua (#00FFFF)Aquamarine (#7FFFD4)Black (#00000)Blue (#0000ff)Cadetblue (#5F9EA0)Cyan (#00FFFF)Darkcyan (#008686)Darkgoldenrod (#688606)Darkgray (#A9A9A9)Darkgreen (#006400)Darkkhaki (#606766)Darkmagenta (#860086)Darkolivegreen (#55662F)Darkorange (#FF8C00)Darkorchid (#9932CC)Darkred (#860000)Darksalmon (#E9967A)Darkslateblue...

Monday, March 30, 2009

Tips in choosing the color

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Color is one of the important elements in graphic design. In a fine art, color can represent the emotions of the paper so that the message of the paper can be more easily accepted by the audience. Elements of color in graphic design also has the function. . The most simple example is to sampling colors of things around us. For example; knowledgeable Cloud = = light blue, bright sun = = mastic, Wood = ancient, classical = brown, light = fire, spirit = red. When a design works, we often difficulty...

Friday, March 27, 2009

Bagaimana memulai belajar Desain Grafis?

1 komentar
Bagaimana memulai belajar Desain Grafis? Memang itu sebuah pertanyaan yang sangat mendasar bagi seorang desiner pemula. Definisi Desain Grafis: adalah salah satu bentuk seni lukis (gambar) terapan yang memberikan kebebasan kepada sang desainer (perancang) untuk memilih, menciptakan, atau mengatur elemen rupa seperti ilustrasi, foto, tulisan, dan garis di atas suatu permukaan dengan tujuan untuk diproduksi dan dikomunikasikan sebagai sebuah pesan. Gambar maupun tanda yang digunakan bisa berupa tipografi...

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Creating Flash Disk with CorelDRAW

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fun making mini flash disk, cute in coreldraw 12.... for those interested to train your skills, this can be downloaded ...DOWNLOAD ...