Paket Premium "Bikin Studio Band di Rumah" COMPLETE EDITION

Paket Premium "Bikin Studio Band di Rumah" COMPLETE EDITION
Paket Premium "Bikin Studio Band di Rumah" COMPLETE EDITION
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Paket Premium "Bikin Studio Band di Rumah" COMPLETE EDITION

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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Jerman Hibahkan Rp 20 Miliar untuk Solo Techno Park Germany Give Rp 20 Billion for Solo Techno Park

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SOLO, KOMPAS - An institution in Germany that consists of the private sector and local government, to allocate the four types of equipment and machinery for the development Solo Techno Park. Equipment and machinery that are give worth Rp 20 billion.

Head of Industry, Trade, and Investment Solo City Masrinhadi, in Solo, on Tuesday (6 / 2), said Solo designed Techno Park as a center of education technology is ready for use in Indonesia. Indonesia-Institute Germany, representatives of institutions or donor countries from Germany to Indonesia, intends to provide a grant of equipment and machinery to develop Solo Techno Park.

Grants of equipment and machinery for automotive and garment making, will be coming in the first stage, ie, around November to come. Meanwhile, two types of equipment and other machines will come in the second stage, which is estimated in the following year.

However, the development Solo Techno Park at this time to funding constraints. Constraints in the form of development funds Solo Techno Park is estimated to reach Rp 8 billion. Funds provided in Solo City Budgets 2007 to Rp 4.5 billion. While the development of two-unit building is 5000 square meters, must be completed before the equipment and machinery from Germany to help out.

"Therefore, we as the City Government will seek Solo investor funds to support the development Solo Techno Park is. In addition, the Mayor of Joko Widodo, also will seek development Solo Techno Park development funds through the 2008 budget, the planned Rp 20 billion to Rp 30 billion, "he explained.

Solo Techno Park, is designed to be able to produce the 2000 automotive experts and 15,000 people graduate of the garment ready.For it is agreed between the Government of the Solo and the automotive and Pertekstilan Association of Indonesia (API). Moreover, Oil and Gas Association of Indonesia intends to train experts in the field in the field of drilling.

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