Any internet marketer will suggest you use both, an article directory and a web directory. This will increase your traffic twice as much. However, when time is money and you need to decide one over the other; that is a tough choice. You decid
Any internet marketer will suggest you use both, an article directory and a web directory. This will increase your traffic twice as much. However, when time is money and you need to decide one over the other; that is a tough choice. You decide which is best for you and your website traffic. Both have their own pros and cons.
A business directory has two stages, free and paid. Free business web directories can provide optimization but it is not as high in page ranking as a paid optimization. Therefore in comparison to an article directory, it is a paid web directory.
Obviously the main objective to any directory is to drive traffic to your website. The submission to a web directory has become a vital element of any Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Basically, when calculating the page rank of a website, it is based on how many input connections the site receives. Web directories provide an input connection to your homepage and add it to their homepage which in turn increases your page ranking. When your site is connected to multiple web directories, you have more input connections and this raises your page ranking even higher.
Another objective of using a web directory to obtain a high SEO is to have your site indexed; thus placing your web address in the primary page of the search engine. The way to index your site is to use multiple search engines and web directories and place your URL manually. Although there are literally thousands of web directories on the net these days, the use of a semi-automatic submission will save you time. You will not want to fill out the account information of each web directory. The semi-automated submission provides ease by automatically filling the information fields with your correct information; thus saving you time and energy.
Now you can spend the time manually entering your information and working with the web directories or you can write a quality informational article and submit it to one or many different article directories. You will gain recognition from the major search engines and web directories. When submitting to article directories you are actually creating a back-link. The secret is to place links to your website and blog, the more these links are clicked, the more traffic you gain to your site; hence gaining more input connections to your site and ensuring the major search engines and web directories notice your sites popularity. With this new found recognition, your site will be placed on their ranking system. Article marketing is the best way to naturally gain traffic and have visitors that are genuinely interested in your business.
Article marketing is a slow but very effective method to grow recognition based on natural traffic. The method behind article marketing is that you write quality articles containing information about your business. Then you submit the article manually to every article directory that you can find, usually the most well known directories are enough. Make sure you place a link to your website or blog at the end of each article. When someone searches a keyword that matches your article, they will read it and click the links that take them to your website or blog.
The difference between article marketing and SEO depends on the type of traffic you are looking to attract. Setting up web directories is very tedious and time consuming work at the beginning and the major web directories have a cost involved. Setting up an article marketing campaign is continuous work but not as tedious or time consuming. In addition, all article directories are free to submit; you can submit daily if you choose.
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Friday, July 3, 2009
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