Paket Premium "Bikin Studio Band di Rumah" COMPLETE EDITION

Paket Premium "Bikin Studio Band di Rumah" COMPLETE EDITION
Paket Premium "Bikin Studio Band di Rumah" COMPLETE EDITION
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Paket Premium "Bikin Studio Band di Rumah" COMPLETE EDITION

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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Indonesia masuk 100 besar negara termiskin di Dunia

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Sorry gan.. newbie kaskuser pengen kasih tau berita buruk nih, kata negara kita masuk "Top 100 countries with the lowest GDP per capita" dengan pendapatan perkapita $3,900
Indonesia berhasil memantapkan posisinya diurutan ke-68

Top 100 countries with the lowest GDP per capita
Country GDP per capita
1 Zimbabwe $200
2 Congo, Democratic Republic of the $300
3 Burundi $400
4 Liberia $500
5 Guinea-Bissau $600
6 Somalia $600
7 Central African Republic $700
8 Eritrea $700
9 Niger $700
10 Sierra Leone $700
11 Afghanistan $800
12 Ethiopia $800
13 Malawi $800
14 Mozambique $900
15 Rwanda $900
16 Togo $900
17 Nepal $1,000
18 Comoros $1,100
19 Guinea $1,100
20 Madagascar $1,100
21 Uganda $1,100
22 Burma $1,200
23 Gambia, The $1,200
24 Mali $1,200
25 Burkina Faso $1,300
26 Haiti $1,400
27 Sao Tome and Principe $1,400
28 Tanzania $1,400
29 Bangladesh $1,500
30 Benin $1,500
31 Ghana $1,500
32 Zambia $1,500
33 Chad $1,600
34 Lesotho $1,600
35 Tuvalu $1,600
36 Cote d'Ivoire $1,700
37 Kenya $1,800
38 Korea, North $1,800
39 Senegal $1,800
40 Tajikistan $1,800
41 Mauritania $1,900
42 Solomon Islands $1,900
43 Cambodia $2,100
44 Laos $2,100
45 Kyrgyzstan $2,200
46 Nigeria $2,200
47 Sudan $2,200
48 Kosovo $2,300
49 Micronesia, Federated States of $2,300
50 Papua New Guinea $2,300
51 Cameroon $2,400
52 Moldova $2,500
53 Timor-Leste $2,500
54 Pakistan $2,600
55 Yemen $2,600
56 Uzbekistan $2,700
57 India $2,900
58 Marshall Islands $2,900
59 Vietnam $2,900
60 Nicaragua $3,000
61 Mongolia $3,300
62 Philippines $3,400
63 Fiji $3,700
64 Honduras $3,700
65 Kiribati $3,700
66 Congo, Republic of the $3,800
67 Djibouti $3,800
68 Indonesia $3,900
69 Guyana $4,000
70 Iraq $4,000
71 Morocco $4,000
72 Cape Verde $4,200
73 Paraguay $4,300
74 Sri Lanka $4,400
75 Tonga $4,400
76 Maldives $4,500
77 Bolivia $4,700
78 Vanuatu $4,700
79 Bhutan $4,800
80 Syria $4,900
81 Georgia $5,000
82 Jordan $5,000
83 Nauru $5,000
84 Samoa $5,000
85 Swaziland $5,100
86 Guatemala $5,400
87 Egypt $5,500
88 Namibia $5,500
89 Turkmenistan $5,800
90 China $6,100
91 Albania $6,400
92 El Salvador $6,400
93 Armenia $6,600
94 Bosnia and Herzegovina $6,600
95 Algeria $7,100
96 Ecuador $7,700
97 Jamaica $7,700
98 Ukraine $7,800
99 Tunisia $8,000
100 Palau $8,100

Ayo rakyat indonesia, jadikan hasil ini sebagai parameter pembangunan kita...

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