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Paket Premium "Bikin Studio Band di Rumah" COMPLETE EDITION
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Paket Premium "Bikin Studio Band di Rumah" COMPLETE EDITION

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Inilah 5 Desain Laptop Terbaik di Dunia, + PIC

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Teknologi dan konsep telah menghasilkan ribuan desain laptop dalam sejarah. Beberapa yang terbaik, beberapa baik, beberapa buruk, dan beberapa terburuk juga, sesuai penggunaan user. Lihat koleksi 5 atas desain laptop terbaik dan terburuk dalam sejarah. Dimulai dengan nomor 5 untuk masing-masing.
  1. Worst-5- Velocity Micro NoteMagix L80 (2006)
    Micro Kecepatan NoteMagix L80 adalah salah satu notebook yang membuat Anda mempertanyakan kewarasan perancangnya. Sudah cukup buruk dataran sistem, sasis hitam datang langsung dari Generik Desain Notebook 101, tapi apa menyodorkan notebook ini ke dalam bidang visual dari ofensif adalah akhir-rendah tembaga strip bahwa garis perimeter keyboard itu. Hal ini membuat L80 NoteMagix tampak seolah-olah dibuat sekitar 30 tahun yang lalu, atau bagian dari mesin itu direnggut untuk mengekspos menyelesaikan tembaga. Sayang bahwa notebook ini sangat tidak menarik, karena paket beberapa otot yang padat di bawah tenda dengan termasuk Nvidia GeForce Go 7600 GS kartu grafis dan yang cepat 2.1-GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor, tetapi jika Anda menempatkan nilai apapun dalam penampilan, akan sulit untuk menghargai kekuasaan.
  2. Sony VAIO R505 SuperSlim Pro (1998)
    Karena semakin banyak orang pergi mobile, notebook tipis menjadi semakin populer. Tapi kapan mulai Phenom pelangsing? Pada tahun 1998, ketika Sony mengumumkan Sony VAIO R505 JSP SuperSlim Pro. Ini terkesan dunia teknologi mobile dengan gaya dan ramping, satu frame-inci tebal. Itu dikemas bingkai kecil banyak kekuasaan: 30GB hard drive, 850-MHz prosesor Pentium III, dan 256MB RAM. (Ingat: Ini adalah 1998.) Sayang, Sony harus mengorbankan optical drive untuk mendapatkan sistem yang ramping. The R505 juga boasted sebuah tutup perak-ungu eye-catching dan touchpad ungu cerah dan tombol mouse yang fashionista teknologi meneteskan air liur atas.
  3. Sharp Actius RD3D (2003)
    Kita semua untuk mendorong teknologi ke tingkat berikutnya tapi kita harus mempertanyakan motivasi Sharp untuk mengembangkan RD3D Actius, selain untuk membuktikan itu bisa. Meskipun laptop pertama dengan tampilan 3D, teknologi eksklusif, yang menggunakan panel XGA 15-inci dan penghalang paralaks, tidak selalu menghasilkan gambar tiga dimensi yang realistis sebanyak itu dihasilkan banyak banding vertikal, ghosting , dan mata-strain. Tentu saja, itu tidak membantu bahwa notebook ini beratnya sepuluh pound dan tidak memiliki Wi-Fi. Tapi pukulan mati bagi RD3D adalah kurangnya aplikasi 3D yang dioptimalkan. Anda tahu 3D notebook adalah plesetan ceruk ketika salah satu aplikasi yang disertakan adalah penampil molekul.
  4. IBM 701C TrackWrite (1995)
    Kembali pada hari ketika kami harus bertahan kecil, keyboard sempit, IBM pikir ini akan meringankan beban pada pergelangan tangan dan jari-kolektif kami dengan datang dengan keyboard lipat TrackWrite. Dijuluki "Butterfly Keyboard," itu terpecah menjadi beberapa bagian berbentuk segitiga yang menyatu bersama-sama seperti potongan-potongan puzzle untuk membentuk sebuah keyboard, lengkap berukuran penuh sebagai notebook dibuka, ketika tutupnya sedang ditutup, kedua belah split dan meluncur kembali ke tempat. Dengan kedatangan notebook yang lebih luas dengan keyboard yang lebih luas, yang dengan cepat menjadi usang TrackWrite.
  5. IBM ThinkPad TransNote (2001)
    Sebagai notebook menjadi lebih mainstream, banyak orang menemukan diri mereka memperdebatkan penggunaan baik tua-kertas dan pena-versus PC besar. IBM berusaha untuk menyenangkan kedua kubu dengan IBM ThinkPad TransNote. The TransNote datang dalam kasus folio yang menampilkan komputer ThinkPad di satu sisi dan standar 8,5 x 11 inci kertas notepad di sisi lain. notepad itu duduk di atas suatu digitizer catatan elektronik yang diterjemahkan diambil dengan pena khusus untuk digunakan dalam PC. Catatan Pengguna bisa diatur dalam file dan folder pada sisi komputer, bahkan dicari melalui penggunaan kata kunci. Meskipun tentu terdengar seperti ide yang baik, PC Tablet, yang memulai debutnya pada tahun berikutnya, lebih sesuai dengan evolusi technologic. The TransNote lebih merupakan Mashup yang baru dan yang lama. Plus, pena digital agak tebal dan terbukti tidak nyaman untuk digunakan dengan menggunakan diperpanjang, dan seluruh alat memiliki 23 besar x 12,5 inci jejak kaki.

5 Fakta Menarik tentang Bumi Kita [must read]

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Seperti yang sudah kita ketahui bersama bahwa bumi planet kita, masih ada hal-hal baru yang ditemukan setiap hari. Bahkan, sebagian besar lautan kita bahkan belum pernah dieksplorasi yang mengapa ketika berada di kedalaman baru; mereka sering datang dengan ratusan spesies baru. Hujan hutan menawarkan hewan dan tanaman baru sesering kita dapat menjelajahi mereka. Bumi terus berubah, bergeser, dan mengekspos rahasia baru bagi manusia untuk mengagumi. Butuh waktu bertahun-tahun dan banyak pikiran besar untuk memecahkan masalah yang melintasi atmosfir bumi ke ruang yang luas di luar. Berikut adalah sepuluh fakta menakjubkan tentang rumah kami bahwa Anda mungkin tidak menyadari.
  1. Debu Angin
    Ahli dari USGS menyatakan bahwa sekitar 1.000 ton puing hujan ruang di atas Bumi setiap tahun.

  2. Panas, panas dan panas
    Kebanyakan orang percaya bahwa Death Valley, California, Amerika Serikat adalah tempat terpanas di bumi. Yah, kadang-kadang itu, tetapi suhu terpanas yang tercatat adalah dari Azizia di Libya merekam suhu 136 derajat Fahrenheit (57,8 derajat celcius) pada 13 September 1922. Dalam Death Valley, itu bangkit untuk 134 Fahrenheit pada tanggal 10 Juli 1913.

  3. Retakan Tanah dari Gempa
    Gempa bumi dapat merusak dan banyak serempak setahun yang mematikan. Namun, Bumi rilis sekitar 1 juta per tahun, hampir semua bahkan tidak pernah terdaftar.

  4. Danau Terdalam

    The deepest lake in the world is in the former USSR and it is Lake Baikal. It has a length of 400 miles, a width of roughly 30, but its depth is just over a mile: 5,371 feet down. It is deep enough, so is speculated, that all five of the next largest lakes: The Great Lakes could be emptied into it.

  5. Mountains/Gunung
    The Andes Mountain range in South America is 4,525 miles long and ranks, as the world’s longest. Second Longest: The Rockies; Third: Himalayas; Fourth: The Great Dividing Range in Australia; Fifth: Trans-Antarctic Mountains. For every 980 feet you climb up a mountain, the temperature drops 3-1/2 degrees.

Inilah 10 Negara Paling Terkorup di Dunia [update 2010 only]

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Daftar ini diambil dari Transparency International Korupsi Indeks tahun 2010. Skoring adalah dari 1 - 10 dari skor yang lebih rendah menjadi yang paling korup. Sumber indeks adalah jajak pendapat dan survei dari 21 lembaga independen. Hanya data diverifikasi diterima untuk dimasukkan. Indeks ini meliputi 163 negara.
  1. Haiti, adalah sebuah negara berbahasa Kreol Perancis dan Amerika Latin yang terletak di kepulauan Antilles Besar di pulau Karibia Hispaniola, yang saham dengan Republik Dominika. Seorang bekas koloni Perancis, Haiti menjadi republik independen kulit hitam pertama dan satu-satunya negara yang pernah membentuk dari pemberontakan budak yang sukses. Haiti menjadi negara non-pribumi kedua di Amerika (setelah Amerika Serikat) untuk menyatakan kemerdekaan, pada tanggal 1 Januari 1804.

    Haiti baru-baru ini mengalami keadaan transisi setelah mengusir paksa Presiden Jean-Bertrand Aristide pada tanggal 29 Februari 2004. Keadaan sekitar keberangkatannya dari kantor yang membantah. René Préval terpilih sebagai presiden di tempat pada tanggal 7 Februari 2006, dan mulai menjabat pada bulan Mei tahun itu. Préval telah berjanji untuk membawa perdamaian dan stabilitas negara. Hanya ingin tahu, 5 besar negara paling korup adalah Finlandia, Islandia, Selandia Baru, Denmark, dan Singapura. Amerika Serikat muncul sebagai nomor 20 paling korup di daftar dengan skor 7.3.
  2. Myanmar, adalah negara terbesar berdasarkan wilayah geografis di Asia Tenggara daratan. Ia juga dikenal sebagai Burma. Myanmar berbatasan dengan Republik Rakyat Cina di sebelah utara, Laos di sebelah timur, Thailand di tenggara, Bangladesh di barat, dan India di barat laut, dengan Laut Andaman di selatan, dan Teluk Bengal di barat daya

    Sistem politik tetap berada di bawah kontrol ketat dari Perdamaian dan Pembangunan Dewan Negara, pemerintah militer yang dipimpin, sejak tahun 1992, oleh Senior Jenderal Than Shwe. Militer Burma telah mendominasi pemerintah sejak Jenderal Ne Win memimpin kudeta tahun 1962 yang menggulingkan pemerintahan sipil U Nu. Beberapa organisasi hak asasi manusia, termasuk Human Rights Watch dan Amnesty International, telah melaporkan tentang pelanggaran hak asasi manusia oleh pemerintah militer. Mereka menyatakan bahwa tidak ada pengadilan yang independen di Myanmar. Pemerintah militer membatasi akses Internet melalui perangkat lunak berbasis sensor yang membatasi warga negara dapat mengakses materi on-line. tenaga kerja paksa, perdagangan manusia, dan pekerja anak yang umum.
  3. Iraq, adalah sebuah negara di Timur Tengah yang mencakup sebagian besar ujung barat laut dari Pegunungan Zagros, bagian timur dari Gurun Suriah dan bagian selatan Gurun Arab. Negara ini berbatasan dengan Kuwait dan Arab Saudi di selatan, Yordania di barat, Suriah di barat laut, Turki di utara, dan Iran di timur.
    Sejak invasi pada tahun 2003, sebuah koalisi pasukan multinasional, terutama Amerika dan Inggris, telah menduduki Irak. Invasi memiliki konsekuensi berjangkauan luas: naik kekerasan sipil, kerusakan politik, penghapusan dan eksekusi mantan presiden Saddam Hussein, dan nasional masalah dalam pengembangan keseimbangan politik, ekonomi, infrastruktur, dan penggunaan cadangan besar negara minyak
  4. Guinea, adalah negara di Afrika Barat, sebelumnya dikenal sebagai Perancis Guinea. wilayah Guinea memiliki bentuk melengkung, dengan alasnya di Samudra Atlantik, pedalaman di timur, dan berbelok ke selatan. Dasar perbatasan Guinea-Bissau dan Senegal di utara, dan Mali di sebelah utara dan utara-timur; bagian pedalaman perbatasan Pantai Gading di selatan-timur, Liberia di selatan, dan Sierra Leone di sebelah barat selatan ujung.
    Guinea hanya memiliki dua presiden sejak kemerdekaan diumumkan pada tanggal 2 Oktober 1958. Pensiunan jenderal Lansana Conté mengambil alih negara ini pada tahun 1984 dalam kudeta setelah kematian Sékou Touré. Conté terpilih untuk memerintah sebagai Presiden pada tahun 1993, kemudian lagi pada tahun 1998 dan 2003 sedangkan menjanjikan untuk reformasi negara.
  5. Sudan, adalah negara Afrika terbesar daerah. Negara ini terletak di persimpangan jalan antara Tanduk Afrika dan Timur Tengah. Ia berbatasan dengan Mesir di utara, Laut Merah ke Timur Laut, Eritrea dan Ethiopia di Timur, Kenya dan Uganda di Tenggara, Republik Demokratik Kongo dan Republik Afrika Tengah ke Southwest, Chad ke Barat, dan Libya ke Northwest.
    Sebuah surat tanggal 14 Agustus 2006 dari Direktur Eksekutif Human Rights Watch menemukan bahwa pemerintah Sudan adalah baik tidak mampu dan tidak bersedia untuk melindungi warga negara sendiri di Darfur dan bahwa milisi yang bersalah atas kejahatan terhadap kemanusiaan. Surat itu menambahkan bahwa pelanggaran hak asasi manusia ini telah ada sejak tahun 2004. Beberapa laporan atribut bagian dari pelanggaran terhadap pemberontak serta pemerintah dan Janjaweed. hak asasi manusia di Departemen Luar Negeri AS laporan yang dikeluarkan Maret 2007 menyatakan bahwa "Semua pihak dalam kebakaran melakukan pelanggaran serius, termasuk pembunuhan warga sipil yang meluas, pemerkosaan sebagai alat perang, sistematis penyiksaan, perampokan dan perekrutan tentara anak-anak"
  6. Republik Demokarsi Kongo, adalah negara ketiga terbesar dengan daerah di benua Afrika. Ini berbatasan dengan Republik Afrika Tengah dan Sudan di utara, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, dan Tanzania di timur, Zambia dan Angola di selatan, dan Republik Kongo di barat.
    Setelah 4 tahun interim antara dua konstitusi yang didirikan lembaga-lembaga politik yang berbeda pada berbagai tingkatan semua cabang pemerintah, serta pembagian administratif yang berbeda negara, politik di Republik Demokratik Kongo yang menetap menjadi presiden republik demokratis yang stabil. Konstitusi transisi yang didirikan sebuah sistem terdiri dari dua kamar legislatif dengan Senat dan Majelis Nasional. Senat memiliki, antara lain, biaya penyusunan konstitusi baru negara. Cabang eksekutif dipegang dalam kabinet 60-anggota, dipimpin oleh seorang pentarchy dari Presiden, dan empat wakil presiden.
  7. Chad, adalah sebuah negara yang terkurung daratan di Afrika Tengah. Ini berbatasan dengan Libya di utara, Sudan di timur, Republik Afrika Tengah di selatan, Kamerun dan Nigeria di barat daya, dan Niger di barat.
    konstitusi Chad menyediakan untuk cabang eksekutif yang kuat yang dipimpin oleh seorang presiden yang mendominasi sistem politik. Presiden memiliki kekuasaan untuk menunjuk perdana menteri dan kabinet, dan mempunyai pengaruh besar atas pengangkatan hakim, jenderal, pejabat provinsi dan kepala perusahaan Chad para-statal. Pada tahun 2005 batas masa jabatan konstitusional telah dihapus. Sebagian besar penasihat utama Presiden Deby adalah anggota kelompok etnis Zaghawa, meskipun kepribadian selatan dan oposisi diwakili dalam pemerintahan. Korupsi adalah penuh pada semua tingkatan.
  8. Republik Rakyat Bangladesh, adalah sebuah negara di Asia Selatan. Hal ini dikelilingi oleh India pada semua pihak kecuali untuk perbatasan kecil dengan Myanmar di tenggara dan Teluk Benggala, bagian dari Samudera Hindia, di selatan.
    Perdana Menteri, sebagai kepala pemerintahan, membentuk kabinet dan menjalankan urusan sehari-hari negara. Sementara Perdana Menteri resmi diangkat oleh Presiden, ia harus menjadi anggota parlemen yang perintah kepercayaan dari mayoritas parlemen. Presiden adalah kepala negara, pos yang seremonial dipilih oleh parlemen. Namun kekuasaan Presiden secara substansial diperluas selama masa jabatan pemerintah sementara, yang bertanggung jawab atas pelaksanaan pemilu dan pengalihan kekuasaan.
  9. Uzbekistan, adalah sebuah negara yang terkurung daratan di ganda Asia Tengah, dulu bagian dari Uni Soviet. Ini berbatasan dengan Kazakhstan di sebelah barat dan utara, Kirgizstan dan Tajikistan di timur, dan Afganistan dan Turkmenistan di selatan. Uzbekistan memiliki kekuatan militer terbesar di wilayah Asia Tengah, memiliki sekitar 65.000 orang di seragam.
    Sebagian besar pertumbuhan PDB Uzbekistan berasal dari harga yang menguntungkan bagi ekspor kunci tertentu, khususnya kapas, emas, dan semakin gas, namun pendapatan dari komoditas didistribusikan antara lingkaran yang sangat kecil dari elit yang berkuasa, dengan manfaat sedikit atau tidak ada untuk rakyat di besar.
  10. Equatorial Guinea, adalah salah satu negara terkecil di benua Afrika. Presiden Guinea Khatulistiwa saat ini adalah Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo. Konstitusi 1982 Guinea Khatulistiwa Obiang memberikan kekuasaan yang luas, termasuk penamaan dan memberhentikan anggota kabinet, membuat hukum dengan dekrit, membubarkan Kamar Perwakilan, negosiasi dan meratifikasi perjanjian dan menyerukan pemilu legislatif.
    Diplomat dan bahkan menteri telah tertangkap penyelundupan narkoba, kadang-kadang menggunakan tas diplomatik dan bahkan bagasi perjalanan presiden negara. Presiden menjabat tidak pernah menyamai reputasi haus darah dari pamannya, Francisco Macias Nguema yang ia menggulingkan. Pada Natal 1975, Macias punya 150 anggota komplotan kudeta dijalankan dengan suara dari sebuah band memainkan lagu Mary Hopkin's Mereka Apakah Hari di stadion nasional.

Barrack Obama bersumpah bahwa ia Muslim? must read

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Tidak heran jika Barrack Obama, Presiden Amerika Serikat itu penuh dengan kontroversi dalam tanda kutip tentang keagamaannya yang beliau anut selama ini, kita tahu sejak dia terpilih jadi orang no 1 di AS sana bahwa beliau beragama Kristen tapi dikabarkan oleh media asing Israel bahwa Obama Islam? Apakah benar begitu Bapak Presiden?

Dituliskan dalam media tsb bahwa Barrack Obama bersumpah kalau ia adalah seorang Muslim, anak seorang ayah Muslim, yang setengah saudaranya di Kenya beragama muslim, bahwa ia setia kepada agenda Islam.

Betapa terkejutnya saya. "Saya seorang Muslim" Obama memberitahukan kepada Menteri Luar Negeri Mesir Gheit saat berjumpa di Gedung Putih, AS.

Menlu Mesir balas menjawab "Bukan berarti kami tidak tahu, tapi itu bagus melihat Presiden telah jujur tentang sesuatu pada diri anda dalam perubahan kehidupan"

Adul Gheit menyatakan Obama mengatakan kepada orang-orang Arab untuk menunjukkan kesabaran. Obama berjanji bahwa sekali ia berhasil mengatasi beberapa masalah dalam negeri, seperti reformasi perawatan kesehatan, dia akan menunjukkan Dunia Muslim bagaimana menangani masalah itu semua bersama Israel.

Hal ini seharusnya tidak mengejutkan siapapun terutama karena salah satu teman terbaiknya, anak-anak Billy Ayers memiliki nama muslim dan telah berkelana ke Mesir dan di tempat lain dengan Dohrn Bernadine, protes atas nama Palestina.

Sumber dari buku : Obama, Terorisme dan Islam
(maaf, translate dari google)

Para Bocah Shaolin gelar acara Sepakbola Kungfu + PIC

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Apakah Anda pernah menonton film-film Cina sepakbola tegila dengan Kung-fu Kung-fu atau basket? Di sana anda dapat melihat hal yang menarik tetapi cukup unik untuk ditonton. Di sini Anda dapat melihat sepakbola Kung-fu kehidupan nyata dari Shaolin Wushu Tagou Sekolah di Cina. Dunia menggila cangkir terbaru tidak luput bahkan shaolins Cina yang baru-baru ini memutuskan untuk menjalankan sekolah sepak bola. Peringatan: Anda bisa melihat awesomely freaking bergerak dalam foto berikut.


Lawrence Taylor to Plead Not Guilty to Rape Today

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TMZ has learned that in just a few hours, NFL legend Lawrence Taylor will plead not guilty to all five criminal charges stemming from the night he allegedly raped an underage prostitute in New York. 

In addition to third-degree rape, the NFL Hall of Famer is facing the following charges: criminal sexual act, sexual abuse, endangering the welfare of a child, and patronizing a prostitute.

As we previously reported, Taylor was arrested back in May after he allegedly performed a sexual act with a 16-year-old prostitute. LT claims he never touched her sexually ... only himself.

Stay tuned.

Lindsay Lohan: I Can't Be Alone in Jail!

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Lindsay Lohan is scared of jail -- not because of the other inmates ... not because the food is crappy .... but because she cannot stand being alone and thinks jail will push her over the edge.

Sources close to Lindsay tell us Lindsay is climbing the walls because of the prospect of jail.  We're told she can't stand being confined to small spaces, and she can never be alone.

It's so bad that when Lindsay flew back from France in May, she asked a friend to fly from L.A. to Paris, just so she would have someone to fly home with her.

As we first reported, if Lindsay is locked up at Lynwood -- Paris' ol' stomping ground -- she'll be placed in a cell by herself ... and she doesn't think she can take it.

Sandra Bullock's Angry Confrontation with Jesse's Ex

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Sandra Bullock went off on Jesse James' ex-wife during a heated phone conversation a few months ago ... so says Janine Lindemulder's attorney.


Attorney Richard Masson tells TMZ .... the blowup occurred while Jesse was in rehab earlier this year.  Janine called her daughter's cell, and Sandra answered.

Masson would not reveal what Sandra said to his client, but he claims it wasn't the first time Sandy expressed harsh feelings toward Janine.

During today's custody hearing, a teacher from Sunny's school testified that Sandra made derogatory comments about Janine in front of Sunny.  According to Masson, Sandra told the teacher, "Quite frankly, I'm glad Janine is in jail. She can go ruin someone else's life."

Janine is trying to stop Jesse from taking Sunny to Texas.  As we first reported, Jesse wants the kids to continue a relationship with Sandra.

Using digg and Netscape to get traffic

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In the last couple of months more and more bloggers have been catching onto the power of digg and Netscape. Bloggers have realized that if they get their blog on the homepage of digg or Netscape thousands of visitors will flood into their blog within minutes. So the question is, how can digg and Netscape be leveraged for traffic, and what results can you expect from them?

Submitting your content/story to digg and Netscape is a good way to start getting some exposure. Once you submit your story people "digg" (vote for) your story if they like it, the more people that "digg" your story the more exposure you will get. At the current moment, with digg you need roughly 51 votes within 24 hours to get to the homepage. Netscape on the other hand is time based, if you get 10 votes within 10 minutes you will probably get your story on the homepage. 

Here are some things that can help get your stories to the homepage :

  1. Catchy titles and descriptions usually do better then dull titles and descriptions.
  2. Digg and Netscape promote up-to-date information. Stories that contain old news usually don't do as well as fresh news and information.
  3. Stories that benefit readers usually do better, such as how to guides and top 10 lists.
  4. You can try submitting your story to digg and Netscape and see what happens. In many cases you will not make it to the homepage and usually when people naturally submit your stories, it tends to have better results. If you want to increase your chances, you should think about adding digg and Netscape buttons within your blog posts and RSS feeds.
Most people leverage digg and Netscape by trying to get their story on the homepage, but not too many people leave comments. Both digg and Netscape have a comment feature and if you leave comments with links to your website it can drive hundreds of visitors especially if the story you left a comment on makes it to the homepage. If you decide to leave comments and link to your website, here are some things to keep in mind.

  • Just don't leave comments so you can link to your website. Provide valuable information to the community. If your comment cannot benefit the community then don't leave it.
  • If the link to your website will not benefit the community, then don't link to your website.
  • Try to also link to other related sites within your comments and not just your own website.
  • Most importantly do not spam.
So if you get on the homepage of digg or Netscape, what should you expect?
If you are looking to boost your traffic you should try to use digg and Netscape, but just be careful and do not try to cheat the system. These sites are community driven as well as based on algorithms so if you attempt to game them, the community will fight back. There has already been some noise about certain high traffic websites getting a good portion of their traffic because of numerous digg homepage stories. Only time will tell how this social news space evolves and how these websites evolve to prevent gaming of their systems.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Plot of Twilight Saga : Eclipse

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Riley Biers is attacked by Victoria, while she's out creating an army of newborns set to destroy Bella Swan. Back in Forks, Edward Cullen and Bella discuss the complications of becoming an immortal vampire. At 18 years old, one year older than the age Edward was when he became a vampire, Bella expresses her aversion to the idea of marrying so young, though Edward refuses to turn her until they're married and she's had various human experiences she would otherwise miss. While Charlie Swan is investigating the disappearance of Riley Biers, Edward suspects his disappearance was caused by the newborn vampires. Furthering his suspicions is the intrusion of Riley into Bella's room.

Although Edward fears for her safety, Bella insists that Jacob and the rest of the werewolf pack would never harm her, but Edward is still not convinced. Bella goes to La Push to see Jacob, and returns to her home unharmed. During one of her visits, Jacob confesses that he is in love with Bella, and kisses her. Furious, she punches him and sprains her hand, and Edward later threatens to break Jacob's jaw. Bella even revokes the invitations of Jacob and his pack members to her graduation party, but when Jacob apologizes for his behavior, she eventually forgives him.

Meanwhile, Alice has a vision of the newborn army, attacking Forks and led by Riley Biers. Jacob, accompanied by Quil and Embry overhear this, which leads to an alliance between the Cullens and Wolf pack. Later, the Cullens and the wolves agree a meeting place and time to train and discuss strategy. During the training Jasper explains to Bella that he was created by a vampire called Maria to control a newborn army. He hated his original existence and upon meeting Alice, joined the Cullens with her. Bella sees the true bond between a mated vampire pair and begins to understand Jasper better. Despite her reluctance to marry, Bella realizes that spending eternity with Edward is more important to her than anything else and accepts his proposal. Edward and Bella camp up in the mountains to hide Bella from the bloodthirsty newborns. During the night, Bella overhears a conversation between Edward and Jacob, in which they temporarily put aside their hatred towards each other. In the morning, Jacob overhears Edward and Bella discussing their engagement and becomes very upset. Before he can run off to get himself killed in the fight with the newborns, Bella desperately asks him to kiss her, and she realizes that she has fallen in love with him. Edward finds out about the kiss but isn't angry, as Bella says she loves him more than Jacob.

Victoria eventually finds Bella's hiding spot, and Edward kills her while Seth kills her partner Riley. The Cullens and the Quileute wolves, meanwhile, destroy her "army", though Jacob is injured saving Leah Clearwater from a newborn. Several members of the Volturi arrive to deal with the newborn army. They also see that the Cullens are guarding the newborn, Bree Tanner, who had refused to fight and surrendered to Carlisle. Jane tortures Bree to get information, then instructs Felix to kill her, despite the Cullens' efforts to spare her. When Jane notes that Caius will find it interesting that Bella is still human, Bella informs her that the date for her transformation has been set. Bella visits Jacob in his home to tell him that even though she loves him, she has chosen to be with Edward. Heartbroken by her choice, Jacob reluctantly agrees to stop trying to come between her and Edward.

Bella and Edward go to their meadow, where she tells him she has decided to do things his way: get married, make love, then be transformed into a vampire. She also explains that she never has been normal and never will be; she's felt out of place her entire life, but when she is in Edward´s world she feels stronger, though she's afraid of being killed. They then decide they need to tell Charlie about their engagement.

Friday, July 9, 2010

FIFA : Inilah 10 Nominasi Pemain Terbaik Peraih Bola Emas pada Piala Dunia 2010

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The FIFA General Secretary Jérôme Valcke and adidas Group CEO Herbert Hainer today officially announced the 10 nominees for the 2010 FIFA World Cup™ adidas Golden Ball. The adidas Golden Ball is the official FIFA trophy for the “Best Player of the Tournament”. The ten nominated players were selected by the FIFA Technical Study Group and includes football experts such as Kalusha Bwalya, Christian Karembeu, Jomo Sono and Gérard Houllier.

Nominees for the 2010 FIFA World Cup™ adidas Golden Ball trophy are: Diego Forlan (URU, shirt #10), Asamoah Gyan (GHA, 3), Andres Iniesta (ESP, 6), Lionel Messi (ARG, 10), Mesut Oezil (GER, 8), Arjen Robben (NED, 11), Bastian Schweinsteiger (GER, 7), Wesley Sneijder (NED, 10), David Villa (ESP, 7), Xavi (ESP, 8)

Accredited media representatives will vote to determine the winners of the adidas Golden, Silver and Bronze ball awards on The winners will be announced after the final on 11 July.

adidas Golden Ball past winners:1982 FIFA World Cup™ Spain: Paolo Rossi (Italy)
1986 FIFA World Cup™ Mexico: Diego Maradona (Argentina)
1990 FIFA World Cup™ Italy: Salvatore Schillaci (Italy)
1994 FIFA World Cup™ USA: Romario (Brazil)
1998 FIFA World Cup™ France: Ronaldo (Brazil
2002 FIFA World Cup™ Korea / Japan: Oliver Kahn (Germany)
2006 FIFA World Cup™ Germany: Zinedine Zidane (France)

FIFA Technical Study Group (TSG)The FIFA Technical Study Group is headed up by Jean-Paul Brigger . Further prominent members of the TSG are Christian Karembeu, Humberto Grondona, Gérard Houllier, Holger Osieck, Leodegar Tenga, Gabriel Calderon, Alvin Corneal, Kwok Ka-Ming, Kalusha Bwalya, Ephraim Matsilele ‘Jomo’ Sono and Jim Selby.
The characteristics of the ten best players for the adidas Golden Ball as identified by the FIFA Technical Study Group (in alphabetical order):

Diego Forlan (Uruguay)Architect of the team’s attack, very influential, great impact for his team, provider of quality final passes, goal scorer, set pieces/shots from long range
Asamoah Gyan (Ghana)Huge work rate, efficient, good dribbler, creates problems to each defence, good goal scorer
Andres Iniesta (Spain)Very fine ball-playing attacking midfielder, a star for the team, impressive dribbling ability
Lionel Messi (Argentina)Outstanding in his pace and creativity for his team, dribbling, shooting, passing – spectacular and efficient
Mesut Oezil (Germany)A real talent for the present and the future, quick feet and great vision, good final and decisive passes
Arjen Robben (Netherlands)Very good pace and dribbling skills, wonderful ability to cut inside from the right, effective to his team
Bastian Schweinsteiger (Germany)Impressive by his first pass (forward and accurate), very good passer, has moments of individual brilliance, ball-winner
Wesley Sneijder (Netherlands)A maestro in midfield, exceptional work rate, the engine of Netherland’s attacks, excellent passer and scorer
David Villa (Spain)Top scorer; quick, two footed, very good on one-on-one situations, provides good final passes, excellent finisher
Xavi (Spain)The metronome and the engine of the Spanish team, very influential in the passing style of the game, one of the finest midfielders in the tournament

PC Game Review : Batman Arkham Asylum

3 komentar
You've heard of Batman no doubt, but if you don't read comics, it's conceivable that you might be unfamiliar with Arkham Asylum. The iconic psychiatric hospital is essentially Gotham City's Alcatraz, and it has housed just about every villain Batman has ever tangled with at one time or another. Now, thanks to Eidos and developer Rocksteady, Arkham is also the setting for a great third-person action game in which the lunatics take over the asylum and only you can stop them. As Batman, you not only get to go toe-to-toe with thugs in fast-paced punch-ups, but you also employ satisfying stealth tactics, play with great gadgets, solve some remarkable riddles, and do a decent amount of detective work. In short, you get to do all of the things that you want to when you don a Batman costume in a game, provided you weren't hoping to get behind the wheel of the batmobile. 

Because just about everything else needs to be unlocked, the first time you boot up Batman: Arkham Asylum, your first port of call (after creating or logging into a Games for Windows Live account so that you can save your game) will inevitably be the Story mode. Here, you learn that Batman has captured Joker, and as the lengthy intro sequence plays out, you see him being returned to the asylum under Batman's watchful eye. Joker doesn't seem at all perturbed by his predicament, and it quickly becomes apparent that he has deliberately allowed himself to be captured as part of a grand plan that involves taking control of Arkham Island and throwing a party there with Batman as the guest of honor. Clearly it's a trap, but as Batman (and as someone who demands more than two minutes of gameplay before the credits roll), you just can't walk away from it.
As you take the controls, Arkham Asylum wastes no time throwing you into the thick of the action. Almost immediately, you're rushed by a few of Joker's goons and encouraged to knock them out using both basic attacks and counters. Both the Xbox 360 controller and mouse-and-keyboard control schemes work very well, though the latter occasionally demands a bit more dexterity to perform certain actions. You're free to move between the two options on the fly though, and the onscreen prompts for context-sensitive controls change accordingly. Using just two buttons on your mouse or controller, you can perform a huge number of moves from Batman's superbly animated repertoire, and it isn't at all difficult to string together combos worthy of Hollywood's finest fight coordinators. That's because for the most part, at least early in the game, combat requires you to do little more than mash the attack button and then hit the counter button anytime you notice an enemy with an "I'm about to attack you" icon above his head. None of the thugs that you encounter pose much of a threat individually, but you rarely encounter fewer than three or four of them at once, and often, you'll be up against six or more. Furthermore, the vanilla thugs are joined by enemies with knives, cattle prods, and guns later on, who force you to raise your game and incorporate stun attacks and evasive rolls into your deadly dance routine. Boss battles against supervillains like Scarecrow and Harley Quinn are definitely among the game's highlights, though it's a little disappointing that there aren't more of them. One supervillain in particular makes a number of appearances, but you never actually get to fight him.
The combat in Arkham Asylum never gets overly complicated, though the number of moves and attacks at your disposal increases quite dramatically as you progress through the Story mode, earn experience points, and subsequently spend those points on acquiring new combo moves and gadgets. Throws, takedowns, and even batarang attacks can be incorporated into your combos this way, but you never need to press more than two buttons simultaneously, and the timing of your moves doesn't have to be particularly precise. Fighting against mobs of up to a dozen enemies or so is a blast, and while they're not smart enough to all just jump on you at once, they're not stupid either. Given half a chance, thugs will pull pipes from walls to attack you with, pick up boxes to throw at you, and recover weapons from fallen colleagues. Fortunately, there's one weapon that your foes seem blissfully unaware of but which Batman is incredibly comfortable with: the environment.
Your surroundings don't always have a role to play in combat, but during large set piece encounters (many of which can be replayed against the clock in Challenge mode), using them to your advantage is practically a requirement. Picture this: You walk into a large room where eight gun-carrying enemies have been instructed by Joker to keep an eye out for you. You can't leave the room until every single one of them is unconscious, and going toe-to-toe with them isn't an option because--at least as far as this game is concerned--bullets are Batman's kryptonite. What do you do? Job one is to stay out of sight, which can often be accomplished by crouching atop gargoyles mounted high on the walls that, while an unusual interior design choice, make near-perfect hiding spots from which to survey the scene using your X-ray-like detective vision. From a vantage point like that, you can perform glide kicks to swoop down and floor enemies passing nearby, perform awesome "inverted takedowns" to grab guys as they pass directly beneath you and leave them hanging on ropes for their comrades to see, and throw batarangs that serve a number of useful purposes. Or, if you need to move, you can use your grapnel gun to zip to another location. Just be sure to suspend your disbelief as you do so because you're invisible to the enemy when you're in transit.
Once you've thinned your number of enemies a bit, it's safer for you to move around on the ground, and that's when you can really start to use the environment to your advantage. You can rig explosives to bring walls and ceilings down on top of enemies, crash through windows and ceilings, hide in floor grates and emerge directly behind unsuspecting enemies, and, well, you get the idea. All of these actions can be performed quickly and easily, but that doesn't make them any less satisfying when they work.
The reactions of enemies who know that their colleagues are being picked off one by one adds massively to the feeling that you're playing as a bona fide superhero. As their numbers diminish, enemies become visibly more scared--they start to move around in pairs rather than individually, press up against walls and lean around corners, and ultimately get so panicked that they fire a shot anytime they turn a corner. Listening to their superbly voiced conversations clues you into their state of mind as well. Initially, your enemies will be quite bold, loudly making threats and musing on how famous they're going to be for killing you. But as the odds gradually shift in your favor and Joker taunts them, they exude less and less confidence--ultimately sounding like they're resigned to their fates and might start crying at any moment. 

The quality of the voice acting never falters for a second in Arkham Asylum, and while Mark Hamill's Joker is unsurprisingly a standout, there are great performances from other characters too. Listing them here would be to risk spoiling elements of the story for you, particularly where the other villains are concerned. You just need to know that every character in the game is well written, well voiced, and often well worth listening to--whether it's a supervillain, a thug, an ally, or a lowly security guard.

One character that you definitely want to listen to carefully is Edward Nigma, also known as Riddler. That's because there are no fewer than 240 "riddles" for you to solve on Arkham Island, and doing so not only earns you a good number of experience points but is also the only way to unlock character bios, character trophies (detailed character models that you can examine and admire at your leisure), and Challenge mode maps. The riddles come in a number of different flavors, many of which don't involve riddles at all, and the one thing that they all have in common is that they're rewarding to solve. For example, finding hidden patient interview tapes or chronicles of Arkham affords you additional insight into the asylum's history and inmates, while cracking a cryptic clue to locate an item that you need to take a photo of might make you feel smart and, if you're lucky, earn you enough experience points to purchase your next upgrade. The best of the proper riddles are those that lead you to photograph question marks painted around the island, which doesn't sound very interesting until you realize that these question marks can only be seen using detective vision from very specific locations. That's because these elusive punctuation marks are painted in two parts at different locations that are often quite far apart, so the solution requires you to find both parts and then figure out where to take the photo from so that they line up perfectly. It's clever and compelling stuff, though it does encourage you to spend more time than you'd probably like in detective vision mode.
In fact, it's likely that you'll spend a good portion of your time with Arkham Asylum in detective vision mode even if you're not looking for hidden question marks. In regular vision mode, you just get to see that this is a great-looking game with superb animation, excellent lighting, and impressive attention to detail. But when you switch to detective vision, you can immediately spot destructible surfaces, more easily locate hidden items, and spot enemies through walls. You can even tell at a glance which of those enemies have guns and which don't because they're colored differently. It's unfortunate that the predominantly blue-with-white outlines vision mode is so invaluable because, while it's an interesting look, it's akin to reading a black-and-white photocopy of a beautifully colored comic book.

If you're a fan of Batman comic books, you should feel very at home in Arkham Asylum. There are plenty of nods and winks to inmates who don't actually appear in the game, and even some of the minor characters have neat backstories that are faithful to their previous, infrequent appearances in comics. You shouldn't feel intimidated if you're not that familiar with Batman, though, because the game does a great job of giving you all of the information you need, as well as plenty that you don't. For example, taking the time to read prominent character Harley Quinn's bio and listen to her patient interviews offers valuable insight into her motivations that might add to your enjoyment of the game, while unlockable information on such characters as Prometheus, Calendar Man, and Humpty Dumpty just adds a little flavor.
More significant unlockable content comes in the form of eight challenge maps, which come in regular and extreme difficulties for a total of 16. The maps are based on areas that you visit in the Story mode, and the challenges are split 50/50 between purely combat-oriented sequences and stealth-based "Predator" gameplay. In the former, you're pitted against four increasingly tough waves of enemies and score points for performing combos, avoiding taking damage, executing ring outs, and using a variety of different moves. In the latter, you're dropped into a level where every enemy has a gun and your goal is to take them all down as quickly as possible. The twist is that to earn a respectable position on the online leaderboards (which you need a Games for Windows Live account to access) in the Challenge mode, you also have to earn medals, and in order to do that, you have to deal with some of your enemies in very specific ways. During a stealth challenge, for example, earning the maximum possible three medals might require you to perform a silent takedown from behind and an inverted takedown, as well as pull an enemy down from a walkway while hanging from a ledge.

The medals get even more demanding in extreme challenges, where you need to knock guys out while crashing through windows, pull floors out from underneath multiple enemies, and even cause three different walls to fall on three different thugs simultaneously. In regular stealth challenges, the wall-mounted gargoyles are your best friends, but on extreme maps, all of the gargoyles are booby-trapped to blow up shortly after you land on them. Robbed of these safe vantage points, you have to spend a lot more time moving around on the ground, which--because you have detective vision--you can do without needing to stop and peek around every corner. Stealth gameplay is almost never this fast-paced or action-packed, and it's rarely this fun.
Regardless of whether you're getting sucked into the Story mode or competing for high scores in the Challenge mode, Batman: Arkham Asylum does an outstanding job of letting you be Batman. Everything about this game--the impressive visuals, stirring soundtrack, superb voice acting, fiendish puzzles, hard-hitting combat--feels like it has been lovingly crafted by a development team that's both knowledgeable and passionate about the source material. Miss out on this one and the joke's on you.

Iran: woman 'adulterer' will not face stoning

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As a campaign to save the life of an Iranian woman gathers pace, Channel 4 News learns the woman will no longer be stoned to death but still faces the death penalty.
Warning: the accompanying report by Jonathan Miller contains disturbing images

Sakineh Mohammadi-Ashtiani, 43, was convicted of adultery in 2007 and sentenced to death by stoning.
The British government, human rights organisations and celebrities joined a campaign to save her after her son, 22-year-old Sajad Ghader-zade, risked his own safety to send out an impassioned plea for help, saying there was "no justice" in his country.

The Iranian Embassy in London has confirmed to Channel 4 News that she will no longer face the death penalty by stoning, but said she was still sentenced to death by other means.
Iranian Embassy statement:
"Considering the statements made by the Foreign Office Minister Alistair Burt on an Iranian national, Mrs Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, and her execution, hereby this mission denies the false news aired in this respect and notifies the Ministry that according to information from the relevant judicial authorities in Iran, she will not be executed by stoning punishment.

"It is notable that this kind of punishment has rarely been implemented in Iran and various means and remedies must be probed and exhausted to finally come up with such a punishment.

"It should be added that the stoning punishment has not been cited in the draft Islamic Penal Code being deliberated in the Iranian Parliament.

"The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran highly recommends that news and reports should not be taken for granted and considered a reliable source of information for official statements or misjudgements."
In a letter obtained by Channel 4 News, Mr Ghader-zade wrote: "I, as an Iranian citizen who has not succeeded to get an audience with your office, to you [Ayatollah Larijani], the head of the judiciary, who through the TV networks day in and out announces that justice must prevail and the officials guilty of misconduct will be punished, say that there is no justice in this country, and your justice is only as just as the misconduct of judges of the country who are not corrected by you. I ask you: has justice been served in my mother's case?"
He added: "My mother and I are asking the people of the world to help us, and are deeply grateful for what has been done thus far."
What is death by stoning?
The prisoner is buried either up to his waist (if male) or up to her shoulders (if female) and then pelted with stones by a crowd of volunteers until obviously battered to death. Under the terms of most fundamentalist courts, the stones must be small enough that death cannot reasonably be expected to result from only one or two blows, but large enough to cause physical harm. The average execution by stoning is extremely painful, lasting at least 10 to 20 minutes. (Tom Head, author of Civil Liberties: a beginner's guide)
Foreign Office Minister Alistair Burt had earlier warned if the execution went ahead, it would "disgust and appal the watching world".
"Stoning is a medieval punishment that has no place in the modern world," he said.
"The continued use of such a punishment in Iran demonstrates a blatant disregard for international human rights commitments which it has entered into freely, as well as the interests of its people."
Nadya Khalife, Middle East women's rights researcher at Human Rights Watch, told Channel 4 News: "International pressure is needed. Advocates within the country are not allowed to put pressure on, or they are not getting anywhere.

"I hope this campaign has some effect on the Iranian judiciary to save this woman's life. Death by stoning is always cruel and inhuman. But this case is particularly abhorrent."

Read more
Celebrities including Robert Redford, Emma Thompson and Colin Firth had backed the campaign to save Ms Mohammadi-Ashtiani, who had already been in prison for five years and received 99 lashes for having an illicit relationship - something she had denied.
She was convicted in 2006 of having had an “illicit relationship” with two men. She did confess at the time, but under duress and has since retracted the confession.
Her case was later reopened during the trial of a man accused of murdering her husband. She was convicted of adultery while being married by three of the five judges, despite her earlier conviction and punishment, and sentenced to death by stoning.
The three judges who found her guilty did so on "the knowledge of the judge" rather than hard evidence, a quirk in Iranian law which allows judges to make their own subjective determination on whether a person is guilty even in the absence of evidence in morality cases.
Her death sentence was confirmed by the Supreme Court on 27 May 2007.
Her case has been sent to the Amnesty and Clemency Commission a number of times, but her request for clemency was rejected on all occasions. She is being defended by one of the most prominent human rights lawyers in Iran, Mohammed Mostafaei.
Human rights organisations including Amnesty International had been campaigning on her behalf, with global demonstrations planned, along with appeals for help on Twitter.
David Miliband, candidate for the Labour leadership and shadow foreign secretary, tweeted: "I've signed this petition to stop this cruel and barbaric execution by stoning of Sakineh in Iran."
Amnesty International told Channel 4 News Iran had already executed 126 people this year, despite being a party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which requires even states that have not yet abolished the death penalty to restrict its use to "the most serious crimes".
Punishment by stoning explained
Under Iran's penal code, adultery is a "crime against God" for both men and women. It is punishable by 100  lashes for unmarried men and women, but married offenders are sentenced to death by stoning under Article 83.

Adultery must be proven either by repeated confession by the defendant, or the testimony of witnesses - four men or three men and two women. However, the law also allows judges in "hodud", or morality, crimes such as adultery to use their own "knowledge" to determine the case in place of direct evidence. This happened in Ms Mohammadi-Ashtiani's case.

The penal code is also specific about the manner of execution and types of stones which should be used. Article 102 says men should be buried up to their waists and women up to their breasts, and Article 104 states that the stones used should "not be large enough to kill the person by one or two strikes; nor should they be so small that they could not be defined as stones".
An Amnesty International spokesman told Channel 4 News that 11 people, eight women and three men, are awaiting stoning in Iran. There may also be more people under sentence of stoning, which the organisation is trying to confirm.
Since 2006, at least six people have been executed by stoning - five men and one woman.
Three others sentenced for adultery were eventually executed by hanging.  
However, 15 people have been saved from stoning - two men and 13 women - largely by the efforts of human rights activists
15 people have been saved from stoning - two men and 13 women, largely by the efforts of human rights activists and lawyers.

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Obama’s Lincoln Moment

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There must be, in the glaring light of an anxious, heat-stinging summer, an image or two from the past appearing in President Obama’s White House.

As Abraham Lincoln had an Army of the Potomac that looked inert under Gen. George McClellan, Obama has an economy stalled and troubled, and two wars, one now branded as the nation’s longest, its outcome never more uncertain.
Abraham LincolnAlexander Gardner Abraham Lincoln

Where to advance? Where to retreat? Who to fire? Who to hire? The general of the one conflict, in Afghanistan, has been removed, as was McClellan by an impatient president. But the other campaign, the one to resurrect an economy ruined by debt and unregulated greed, seems intractable.

The country is divided, with no common purpose other than revulsion at things disliked — oil in the ocean, Wall Street in its excess — and, for diversion, a man who storms a hot-dog-eating contest.

What divides us now, blue states and red states, the recovering cities and the never-going-to-rebound cities, is nothing, of course, compared to that 1860s war over America’s original sin.

But history always leaves some valuable clues along the roadside. In Afghanistan, the way out has to begin with the general who is now way in, perhaps the only public figure to emerge from the Bush years with his reputation for competence intact. Gen. David H. Petraeus took command over the 4th of July holiday, saying “we are in this to win.”

The general’s words barely made the mid-sections of the newspapers and back ends of the broadcasts during a news-free period. At the same time, in small type and with few mentions, were the latest to die in that war — Kristopher Chapleau, 101st Airborne, from LaGrange, Ky.; Ryan Grady, 86th Infantry, from Bristow, Okla.; and David Wisnieski, Air Force, from Moville, Iowa.

In case any of us have forgotten, these dead soldiers seem to hail disproportionately from rural and small-town America. Their friends and family might ask Michael Steele, the Republican Party chairman, if they died in “a war of Obama’s choosing,” as he said. If the Democratic party leader had said such a thing publicly, he would be called a coward, or even a traitor, by the loudest voices in Steele’s party.

The more level-headed critics look at Afghanistan, which the United States stormed into nine years ago to root out Al Qaeda, and see something closer to a civil and tribal war. The fragile society we are fighting for has yet to show that it’s ready take control of its destiny. And the most violent elements in that region, the religious nihilists whose aim is to deny human nature and love of music, beauty, pleasure — or even something so simple as allowing a girl to attend school — have fled to a lawless region of Pakistan.
General David H. PetraeusMajid Saeedi/Getty Images Gen. David H. Petraeus at a ceremony in Kabul on July 4, 2010.

If Petraeus is to become Obama’s Ulysses S. Grant, he needs something to fight, something visible and full-dimensional. There is no standing army among the cave-dwelling and night-moving Taliban.

Obama has set a deadline, subject to much debate, to begin withdrawing troops by July of next year. But a mere passing of calendar months cannot do for the people of Afghanistan what they will not do for themselves. A transplant of motivation must take place, something even a highly regarded American general and his army cannot do.

The other big stall, the economic Army of the Potomac, will not respond to deadlines or firing generals. The Republican governing philosophy of a criminal deregulatory environment drove the economy into a ditch. And when they put more than a trillion dollars worth of wars on the credit card, they left future administrations with few options.

The Democratic ideas, guided by a belief that government stimulus would be worth the risk of further running up the deficit, have not sufficiently jolted the sick American economy back to life. For a while, it looked like the Obama injections of federal money were working. As of mid-April, the administration was on a pace to create more jobs in a year than Bush created in eight years. The stock market at that time was up 70 percent over 13 months. Overall tax bills were the lowest in 50 years, according to the nonpartisan Tax Foundation.

But then, just as quickly, the economy lost its loft, and Obama could only point to what he prevented, and meekly ask to stay the course. Even if the stimulus averted another Great Depression, that is a tough sell, for the public will never give a leader credit for preventing something from happening.

Job creation has now slowed to a crawl. At the current pace, it could take 10 years just to replace the jobs lost during the recession, lending credence to the idea that the boom years were all a historic aberration; the new normal is bleak.

Over the last decade, two opposing theories have been put in play, and neither has succeeded. Is there a third way? The stalled economy, kicked by both parties, has to move, on its own force. But how? Obama still hasn’t found the source.