Paket Premium "Bikin Studio Band di Rumah" COMPLETE EDITION

Paket Premium "Bikin Studio Band di Rumah" COMPLETE EDITION
Paket Premium "Bikin Studio Band di Rumah" COMPLETE EDITION
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Paket Premium "Bikin Studio Band di Rumah" COMPLETE EDITION

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Inilah 5 Desain Laptop Terbaik di Dunia, + PIC

19 komentar
Teknologi dan konsep telah menghasilkan ribuan desain laptop dalam sejarah. Beberapa yang terbaik, beberapa baik, beberapa buruk, dan beberapa terburuk juga, sesuai penggunaan user. Lihat koleksi 5 atas desain laptop terbaik dan terburuk dalam sejarah. Dimulai dengan nomor 5 untuk masing-masing.Worst-5- Velocity Micro NoteMagix L80 (2006) Micro Kecepatan NoteMagix L80 adalah salah satu notebook yang membuat Anda mempertanyakan kewarasan perancangnya. Sudah cukup buruk dataran sistem, sasis hitam...

5 Fakta Menarik tentang Bumi Kita [must read]

1 komentar
Seperti yang sudah kita ketahui bersama bahwa bumi planet kita, masih ada hal-hal baru yang ditemukan setiap hari. Bahkan, sebagian besar lautan kita bahkan belum pernah dieksplorasi yang mengapa ketika berada di kedalaman baru; mereka sering datang dengan ratusan spesies baru. Hujan hutan menawarkan hewan dan tanaman baru sesering kita dapat menjelajahi mereka. Bumi terus berubah, bergeser, dan mengekspos rahasia baru bagi manusia untuk mengagumi. Butuh waktu bertahun-tahun dan banyak pikiran besar...

Inilah 10 Negara Paling Terkorup di Dunia [update 2010 only]

2 komentar
Daftar ini diambil dari Transparency International Korupsi Indeks tahun 2010. Skoring adalah dari 1 - 10 dari skor yang lebih rendah menjadi yang paling korup. Sumber indeks adalah jajak pendapat dan survei dari 21 lembaga independen. Hanya data diverifikasi diterima untuk dimasukkan. Indeks ini meliputi 163 negara. Haiti, adalah sebuah negara berbahasa Kreol Perancis dan Amerika Latin yang terletak di kepulauan Antilles Besar di pulau Karibia Hispaniola, yang saham dengan Republik Dominika. Seorang...

Barrack Obama bersumpah bahwa ia Muslim? must read

1 komentar
Tidak heran jika Barrack Obama, Presiden Amerika Serikat itu penuh dengan kontroversi dalam tanda kutip tentang keagamaannya yang beliau anut selama ini, kita tahu sejak dia terpilih jadi orang no 1 di AS sana bahwa beliau beragama Kristen tapi dikabarkan oleh media asing Israel bahwa Obama Islam? Apakah benar begitu Bapak Presiden? Dituliskan dalam media tsb bahwa Barrack Obama bersumpah kalau ia adalah seorang Muslim, anak seorang ayah Muslim, yang setengah saudaranya di Kenya beragama muslim,...

Para Bocah Shaolin gelar acara Sepakbola Kungfu + PIC

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Apakah Anda pernah menonton film-film Cina sepakbola tegila dengan Kung-fu Kung-fu atau basket? Di sana anda dapat melihat hal yang menarik tetapi cukup unik untuk ditonton. Di sini Anda dapat melihat sepakbola Kung-fu kehidupan nyata dari Shaolin Wushu Tagou Sekolah di Cina. Dunia menggila cangkir terbaru tidak luput bahkan shaolins Cina yang baru-baru ini memutuskan untuk menjalankan sekolah sepak bola. Peringatan: Anda bisa melihat awesomely freaking bergerak dalam foto beriku...

Lawrence Taylor to Plead Not Guilty to Rape Today

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TMZ has learned that in just a few hours, NFL legend Lawrence Taylor will plead not guilty to all five criminal charges stemming from the night he allegedly raped an underage prostitute in New York.  In addition to third-degree rape, the NFL Hall of Famer is facing the following charges: criminal sexual act, sexual abuse, endangering the welfare of a child, and patronizing a prostitute. As we previously reported, Taylor was arrested back in May after he allegedly performed a sexual act with...

Lindsay Lohan: I Can't Be Alone in Jail!

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Lindsay Lohan is scared of jail -- not because of the other inmates ... not because the food is crappy .... but because she cannot stand being alone and thinks jail will push her over the edge. Sources close to Lindsay tell us Lindsay is climbing the walls because of the prospect of jail.  We're told she can't stand being confined to small spaces, and she can never be alone. It's so bad that when Lindsay flew back from France in May, she asked a friend to fly from L.A. to Paris, just so she...

Sandra Bullock's Angry Confrontation with Jesse's Ex

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Sandra Bullock went off on Jesse James' ex-wife during a heated phone conversation a few months ago ... so says Janine Lindemulder's attorney. Attorney Richard Masson tells TMZ .... the blowup occurred while Jesse was in rehab earlier this year.  Janine called her daughter's cell, and Sandra answered. Masson would not reveal what Sandra said to his client, but he claims it wasn't the first time Sandy expressed harsh feelings toward Janine. During today's custody hearing,...

Using digg and Netscape to get traffic

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In the last couple of months more and more bloggers have been catching onto the power of digg and Netscape. Bloggers have realized that if they get their blog on the homepage of digg or Netscape thousands of visitors will flood into their blog within minutes. So the question is, how can digg and Netscape be leveraged for traffic, and what results can you expect from them? SubmissionSubmitting your content/story to digg and Netscape is a good way to start getting some exposure. Once you submit your...

Monday, July 12, 2010

Plot of Twilight Saga : Eclipse

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Riley Biers is attacked by Victoria, while she's out creating an army of newborns set to destroy Bella Swan. Back in Forks, Edward Cullen and Bella discuss the complications of becoming an immortal vampire. At 18 years old, one year older than the age Edward was when he became a vampire, Bella expresses her aversion to the idea of marrying so young, though Edward refuses to turn her until they're married and she's had various human experiences she would otherwise miss. While Charlie Swan is investigating...

Friday, July 9, 2010

FIFA : Inilah 10 Nominasi Pemain Terbaik Peraih Bola Emas pada Piala Dunia 2010

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The FIFA General Secretary Jérôme Valcke and adidas Group CEO Herbert Hainer today officially announced the 10 nominees for the 2010 FIFA World Cup™ adidas Golden Ball. The adidas Golden Ball is the official FIFA trophy for the “Best Player of the Tournament”. The ten nominated players were selected by the FIFA Technical Study Group and includes football experts such as Kalusha Bwalya, Christian Karembeu, Jomo Sono and Gérard Houllier. Nominees for the 2010 FIFA World Cup™ adidas Golden...

PC Game Review : Batman Arkham Asylum

3 komentar
You've heard of Batman no doubt, but if you don't read comics, it's conceivable that you might be unfamiliar with Arkham Asylum. The iconic psychiatric hospital is essentially Gotham City's Alcatraz, and it has housed just about every villain Batman has ever tangled with at one time or another. Now, thanks to Eidos and developer Rocksteady, Arkham is also the setting for a great third-person action game in which the lunatics take over the asylum and only you can stop them. As Batman, you ...

Iran: woman 'adulterer' will not face stoning

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As a campaign to save the life of an Iranian woman gathers pace, Channel 4 News learns the woman will no longer be stoned to death but still faces the death penalty. Warning: the accompanying report by Jonathan Miller contains disturbing images Sakineh Mohammadi-Ashtiani, 43, was convicted of adultery in 2007 and sentenced to death by stoning.The British government, human rights organisations and celebrities joined a campaign to save her after her son, 22-year-old Sajad Ghader-zade,...

Earn $2 for Every Referral

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A program paid to read (paid by only reading) entered into a referral contest. Referral contest was held in order to launch the program paid to read this on August 1, 2010. You will be paid at $ 2 (two dollars) each took one person to join. Wish List is similar to PayPal instead? However, the amount of bonuses given two-fold greater than PayPal Wish List is equal to $ 2. You have less than a month time to invite your friends to join as a member in this program. Imagine if you could invite 50 people...

Obama’s Lincoln Moment

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There must be, in the glaring light of an anxious, heat-stinging summer, an image or two from the past appearing in President Obama’s White House. As Abraham Lincoln had an Army of the Potomac that looked inert under Gen. George McClellan, Obama has an economy stalled and troubled, and two wars, one now branded as the nation’s longest, its outcome never more uncertain.Abraham LincolnAlexander Gardner Abraham Lincoln Where to advance? Where to retreat? Who to fire? Who to hire? The general of the...