Paket Premium "Bikin Studio Band di Rumah" COMPLETE EDITION

Paket Premium "Bikin Studio Band di Rumah" COMPLETE EDITION
Paket Premium "Bikin Studio Band di Rumah" COMPLETE EDITION
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Paket Premium "Bikin Studio Band di Rumah" COMPLETE EDITION

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Friday, August 21, 2009

Believe It Or Not, The Oldest People!!!

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The title of world's oldest person may be one of the most coveted of all, but the many claims to it are usually fought with difficulty and controversy. Amm Atwa Moussa, a former fisherman from Egypt, claims to be 150. In evidence, Moussa (pictured being bathed by one of his 39 grandchildren) states that he was married to his first wife for 60 years prior to a further four marriages, and says that he can recall fleeing with his family in 1869 to avoid being forced to work on the Suez

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