Paket Premium "Bikin Studio Band di Rumah" COMPLETE EDITION

Paket Premium "Bikin Studio Band di Rumah" COMPLETE EDITION
Paket Premium "Bikin Studio Band di Rumah" COMPLETE EDITION
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Paket Premium "Bikin Studio Band di Rumah" COMPLETE EDITION

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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Son of a claim from the Planet Mars

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Weird, have a kid that ever lived on planet Mars before born again in Russia. This child has a remarkable intellect, with the understanding that the universe at large.

This has not been long, the plane outer explorers in America and Europe respectively successfully landed on Mars, the aim is trying find signs of life on the planet.

Well, at this moment, a Russian print media reveals a shocking secret. According to the Truth Report Russia on 12 March 2004, mentioned that a son aged 7 years in the area north of Russia that came from Mars himself, and even have the talent and the incredible gift of a remarkable accomplishment. Borischa, so the kid from another planet that travel far and difficult to arrive in the area that is full of mystery.

Mysterious Kid
The daily reported that an eyewitness said, bahwasannya at that time in a night of tranquil, the people who sit in front of camp bonfire talked. Suddenly, a Borischa standing body, with a loud voice, raised the attention everyone, all people with feelings looked with interested. Eyewitness said: "In fact, he intends to inform them about the life of the people on the planet Mars, as well as the legendary they fly toward the earth.In a flash, the bonfire location drowned in silence.

More fantastic and more is, the little boy was even alive to tell about the mysterious land Limoliya who drowned in the sea in ancient legends man. And the word kid this man, when he arrived on earth from the planet Mars landed exactly on it, and understand all of life there.

Many people find the surprising, bahwasannya kid mysterious man has at least 2 characteristics. First, Borischa have a tremendous knowledge, inteligensinya clearly higher level than a normal kid. Limoliya is a mysterious country in the legend at least 800 thousand years ago, Isn'T children, and even university professors also impossible to know everything, and it is in the details and once familiar with the narrative history, culture and people of this ancient land. And characteristic of the second cause of concern is that the kid men have this capability with the delivery of language that makes people amazed. He terms the range of vocational education, to understand the data appropriately and carefully, even to know clearly about the history of the earth and the planet Mars.

." An eyewitness said, "I Manurut, when this kid from the private to discuss the memory of life on us, not talking and not based on municipal waste."

Life in Mars ever

According to reports, the mysterious Borischa born in a hospital in remote rural towns in Russia on 11 January 1996. The visible surface of the parents is quite naive, simple and good hearts. His mother, Nadezhda is a good person, a skin doctor in a public hospital. While the kid's father is a retired army officer.

Nadezhda remember, 15 days after birth, Borischa able to raise his head. However, it is incredible that when he was 1.5 years old can already read and understand the title of the news in the newspaper. And 2 years later, have the power Borischa remember that extraordinary, and the ability of the new knowledge that is difficult.Then, her parents quickly learn that their child with a unique way - from a mysterious place - to get information.

Nadezhda recollect and say: "Never have people who taught him things about it, but sometimes he sits and bend legs intersect, speak calmly and with full confidence. It was like talking about the planet Mars, planetary system, and that civilization is far away. We really do not dare to believe with our hearing. Since the age of 2 years, every day as he read the holy book discuss about the universe, and the other story that is not also about the large number of spacecraft There is no limit. "

Since that time, said Borischa continue on their parents, that he used to live on the planet Mars. Then, there is a kind of human living on the planet Mars, as it happens by a terrible disaster that shut, a layer in the atmosphere of the planet Mars on the total fleet, so that people on the planet Mars is forced to live underground in the city. And since then, he often came out to trade and to the earth with the goal of the research, the more it is only a plane ride away outer space.

According to Borischa, that all this happened during the prosperous civilization Limoliya. At that time, he has a best friend in Limoliya, but his friend was killed in front of him. Borischa the back and says: "Then, on earth there has been a terrible disaster, a land that is swallowed by mega thunderstorm sea. Suddenly, a stone building a giant whale, and the chance of my friend is in there, I is not had time to save them. " Kid living with men is told of the loss of all Limoliya, like the recent yesterday.

Borischa, that the aircraft re-alik them, almost in a flash has been completed in a journey from the base since lived up to the planet Mars landed on earth. In the meantime, he issued a chalk and a painting of a rounded shape on the blackboard. " He said: "Our plane space was formed from 6 layers, cortex dominates 25%, which is made of solid metal. Tier-2 to dominate 30%, made from materials that resemble rubber. Tier-3 to dominate 30%, also made c. from the metal layer and dominate only the last 4%, is made of special material magnetisme. If we fill in the full energy magnetisme this layer, the space plane can fly to anywhere in the universe. "

With quite serious Borischa also predict and says that in 2009 there will be a major disaster the first time in a land on earth, and the second time that a disaster destroys more akan happen again in the year 2013.

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