Paket Premium "Bikin Studio Band di Rumah" COMPLETE EDITION

Paket Premium "Bikin Studio Band di Rumah" COMPLETE EDITION
Paket Premium "Bikin Studio Band di Rumah" COMPLETE EDITION
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Paket Premium "Bikin Studio Band di Rumah" COMPLETE EDITION

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Monday, August 10, 2009

Already ascertained! Ternyata Noordin M Top Lolos! In fact Noordin M Top Pass!

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Apparently successful Noordin M Top Pass! of siege and a lunge from too strict Densus 88 in Temangungg Central Java. It was strengthened with the police a description for behind the facts, the previous suspect that more people in the home of one suspect to the police even if the house in 4 people have terrorist groups, and 3 civilians after the siege and the assault appeared to have a in the home only 1 person.

From the images obtained from the police, if matched with photos Noordin is assigned during this does'nt have resemblance at all. . Even people who get shot as a suspect in the terrorist leader is similar to the civilian market.

From a trusted source said that in check that, where the police came too late Noordin and some friends are leaving the place before the police arrived. Someone in the house that is resistance to the police as a provocation that get concentrate on target in the house while the main target is getting far away from the location

The Fingerprint NOT NOORDIN M TOP!

Fingerprint experts from Indonesia Fingerprit Automatic Identification System (INAFIS) back to the Police Hospital Kramat Jati, East Jakarta, Monday 10 August 2009.

Four experts from the room directly INAFIS installation RS police forensic medicine.

To ensure that the identity remains in Temanggung, 88 team detachment Special Antiteror police have taken samples Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) children Noordin M Top in Malaysia. DNA is needed to determine whether corpsesget shot in a terrorist raid in the village Beji, District Kedu, Temanggung is Noordin.

Previously, The Age said the two things that prove the corpse is Noordin M Top.
One of them, fingerprints.

"That is not he [Noordin]. We know from the structure of the face, so the investigation fingers," said the police source, cited as the The Age, Monday 10 August 2009.

Previously, the detachment of the Special 88 remains the man who died in the Temanggung is more similar Ibrohim or Boim, a florist working in the Hotel Ritz Carlton, rather Noordin.

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