Paket Premium "Bikin Studio Band di Rumah" COMPLETE EDITION

Paket Premium "Bikin Studio Band di Rumah" COMPLETE EDITION
Paket Premium "Bikin Studio Band di Rumah" COMPLETE EDITION
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Paket Premium "Bikin Studio Band di Rumah" COMPLETE EDITION

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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Someone that unknow about this info, This is Money Rp 2.000,

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Bank Indonesia officially launched its new paper money bills, Rp2.000 year 2009 emissions as a means of payment is valid. The launch is done in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, today, Thursday (9/7/2009).

"Publishing a new emission of paper money is an implementation of the policy of Bank Indonesia in the field of circumgyration money, the money to meet the needs of the community in rupiah at a fairly nominal amount, according to the type of fraction, timely, and in conditions that edar feasible," said said pjs Governor of Bank Indonesia Miranda S Goeltom, authorized in the description, Thursday (9/7/2009).

Launch of new paper money was also attended by Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia circumgyration field money Rochadi S Budi, South Kalimantan Governor Rudy Ariffin, and Central Kalimantan Governor Agustin Teras Narang.

Money bills, the new image Pangeran Antasari (national hero origin Banjarmasin) with a picture to the back of the Dayak tribe of indigenous dance. The money will serve as a valid means of payment starting July 10 2009. Elections in the picture the money to the design of paper money before the national hero theme. This is as a form of appreciation to the heroes and to take and preserve the culture of the nation.

Paper money bills, the new dominant Rp2.000 colored gray with the form of the element of water marked image Pangeran Antasari with the security thread is embedded in the paper and money with BI2000 repeatedly. Money bills, also accommodate the new needs of blind people to provide a certain code (blind code) on the right side of the front money, which is a rectangular box printed in intaglio.

In addition, as time spent on the new paper and Rp100.000 fraction Rp20.000 year 2004 emissions, and Rp50.000 and Rp10.000 year emissions in 2005, Bank Indonesia also issued Uncut Banknotes Rp2.000 (specifically the money that has not been cut / inosculate money) as much as 4700 sheets with the kind of money inosculate each contain Bilyet 2, 4 and 50 Bilyet Bilyet. As a collection of objects, this common Uncut Banknotes issued in various countries as a special issue of money.

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